The Citizen Science project Radio Galaxy Zoo: EMU, with data from EMU ASKAP opened its web gates to the general public on Monday, July 8, 2024 and it needs your help!
What is citizen science? Citizen Science is a form of scientific research involving citizens volunteers. It is a collaborative approach that allows researchers to conduct large-scale studies and collect data that would be very difficult to gather on their own.
The Radio Galaxy Zoo: EMU, led by Dr Eleni Vardoulakis (IAASARS/NOA) and Dr Hongming Tang (Tsinghua University), aims to work with the general public and citizen scientists to correctly identify and classify radio galaxies from data collected by the international collaboration Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU; Norris et al. 2021), which observes the southern part of the sky with the ASKAP telescope array. Citizen scientists are asked to identify the hosts of radio sources and characterise the radio emission based on descriptive tags (Bowles, Tang & Vardoulaki et al. 2023).
The results of the project will be used as a training sample for deep learning/AI algorithms to classify millions of radio sources, that EMU ASKAP has already started observing. In the event of a new discovery, the citizen scientists who participated in it become co-authors of the relevant scientific paper. The RGZ-EMU platform is going to be translated into Greek, Chinese, Urdu, and other languages.
Participating countries: Greece, China, Pakistan, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, United States of America. The project is recommended by the Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD).
Find out more about the international collaboration Radio Galaxy Zoo: EMU at: