Support Staff

Stella Tsaroglou holds a Bachelor degree in “Philosophy and History of Science” from the Faculty of Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She is a senior student of the M.Sc. “Space Science, Technologies and Applications” from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of the Peloponnese in cooperation with the National Observatory of Athens. As part of the MSc program, she worked on Remote Sensing projects using ArcGIS for the analysis of geospatial data and the elaboration of satellite data using Python, IDL και Matlab. She has professional experience in managing European Programs and especially in the physical and financial progress of the projects through Monitoring Information System (M.I.S.). She joined IAASARS–NOA in August 2020 as a research assistant for processing of satellite data for the interoperability of agricultural systems analysis, dissemination of results and projects management.
Space Business, Remote Sensing, Analysis of Geospatial and Satellite Datasets and Space Applications.