Malandraki Olga
Malandraki Olga
Telephone: 2103490936
Office: 219

Olga E. Malandraki obtained her BSc degree in Physics from the University of Athens (1993) and her PhD in Space Physics from the Democritus University of Thrace in Greece (2002, Division of Space Physics and Telecommunications).

From 2002 until 2005 she was a Postdoctoral Research fellow in the Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) and the Democritus University of Thrace. She was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow of the Greek National Foundation (IKY) for the period 2003-2004. From 2005 until 2007 she was an Internal Research Fellow in the Research and Scientific Support Dept. of the European Space Agency (ESA) at ESTEC in the Netherlands. In 2005 she was a Research Associate of the Univ. of Athens and from 2007 until 2008 she was a Research Associate of the Space and Armos. Physics Group at Imperial College, London in the UK. Since 2007 she is a permanent scientific staff member of the IAASARS of the National Observatory of Athens. She has performed extensive research collaborations abroad and has been an Invited Visiting Researcher in the Naval Research Laboratory, Space Sci. Division, USA, the Goddard Space Flight Center at NASA, the Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, in Germany, the Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, in France, the Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, in the USA. She has received the ‘GROUP ACHIEVEMENT AWARD TO ULYSSES MISSION TEAM’ by NASA and the ‘ULYSSES ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – 15 YEARS IN ORBIT’ by ESA, Science. She has been an ‘Expert’, Member of Representative team of Greece to ESA/SPC since 2010, an Organizing Committee Member, of the International Astronomical Union, Division E, Commission 49 since 2012, Scientific Officer on ‘Heliosphere’ of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) since 2011, National Co-ordinator, International Space Weather Initiative of the United Nations since 2010 and Spokesperson, of the ESA Space Weather Working Team (SWWT/TWG 2) since 2012. She has been Scientific Responsible for NOA for the ‘SEPServer’ and ‘COMESEP’ FP7 projects since 2010.


Analysis and interpretation of energetic particle data collected by ESA and NASA spacecraft (STEREO, Ulysses, ACE, Cluster, THEMIS, CASSINI), Investigation of the magnetic topology of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs), particle propagation channels inside Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs), the physical mechanisms of the establishment and maintenance of particle reservoirs in the Heliosphere, the solar origin of near-relativistic impulsive solar electron events and the comparison of solar particle events at high and low heliolatitudes Research on the energetic particle composition signatures in regions of CME/CIR interactions in the Heliosphere, Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) spectral and elemental abundance composition comparisons during reservoir periods, the study of upstream particle events in the vicinity of Saturn, the effect of solar storms to the environment of Mars and to astronauts of future manned space missions, study of magnetospheric substorms in geospace, CIRs with simultaneous multi-point energetic particle measurements in space, as well as Galactic Cosmic Rays and the relevant Forbush Decreases.