Keramitsoglou Iphigenia
Keramitsoglou Iphigenia
Telephone: 2103490867
Office: 215

Iphigenia Keramitsoglou is a Research Director in NOA/IAASARS. She holds a Ph.D. degree from Imperial College London, a M.Sc. in Remote Sensing from University College London and a Physics Degree from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has extensive experience in the organization and management of research and technological development programs. In particular, she is actively involved in the research regarding monitoring the Urban Heat Island phenomenon from Space and downscaling thermal infrared imagery in real time to safeguard citizens during extreme temperature events and increase urban resilience. IK is co-leader of the action on Global Observation of Urban Areas (Global Urban Observation and Information Task, GI-17, ex-SB-04) of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO). IK is coordinating the service EXTREMA “Emergency notification system for extreme temperatures” for the prestigious international city network of “100 Resilient Cities” (100RC – – pioneered by Rockefeller Foundation). For this service NOA has become platform partner of 100RC. IK is acting as Temporary Advisor of World Health Organisation, European Working Group on Health in Climate Change (2018). For her achievements in downscaling thermal infrared imagery, IK has been appointed collaborator of NASA project URBANLST “A high spatio-temporal resolution Land Surface Temperature (LST) product for urban environments”. Iphigenia is co-leader of the action on global observation of urban areas (Global Urban Observation and Information Task, SB-04) of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). She is also representing IAASARS in the Greek national platform for disaster reduction (part of the international Hyogo Framework for Action – HFA).


Satellite monitoring in the thermal urban environment in various spatial scales and geographic areas, System development using advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to process satellite data, Operational mapping of burned areas after fire-season, Monitoring and mapping of protected areas (biotopes & wetlands) using very high spatial resolution (<10 m) satellite imagery and advanced classification methods, Development of decision support systems at operational level in response to natural hazards (especially forest fires, marine pollution, heat waves).