Postdoctoral Researchers
Fotis Balampanis graduated in 2007 from the Department of Informatics Engineering of ATEI of Athens. In 2011 he obtained his MSc in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF – Barcelona, Spain), whereas in 2018 he received his PhD in Automation, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Seville (US – Seville, Spain), being a Marie Skłodowska-Curie scholar of the H2020 ΙΤΝ Project MarineUAS (G.A. 642153). His doctorate dissertation consisted of an Architecture for autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) swarms for area coverage tasks. Since 2004 he has worked as a Research Assistant and Researcher in the SPECS (Synthetic Perspective Emotive and Cognitive Systems – UPF) and GRVC (Group of Robotics Vision and Control – US) groups, and as a Software and Systems Engineer in various commercial sectors. The most recent years he has been working as a Software and Data Engineer in earth observation, satellite and space sector companies. Since 2024 he is a member of the Beyond center of excellence as Software and Data Engineer.
Artificial Intelligence, Geoinformatics, Algorithms, Autonomous Systems, Data Engineering.