Kartsios Stergios
Telephone: 2103490960
Office: Gate Building

Stergios Kartsios received his B.Sc. in Physics (2011) from Aristotle University of Thessalonik (AUTH) and his M.Sc. in Meteorology and Climatology also from AUTH (2013). In 2020, he defended successfully his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Atmosphere – Wildland Fires Interactions using Numerical Models in Greece”. He is a research assistant in the Department of Meteorology and Climatology, School of Geology, AUTH since 2014 and a post-doctoral researcher since 2021. In addition, he worked as junior weather forecaster in the private sector (2016-2018) and as meteorologist in ELGA-Meteorological Applications Center in 2023. In 2017, he was a visitor researcher at C3WE (Capacity Center for Climate & Weather Extremes) group at NCAR, Boulder, CO, USA. He has participated in nine (9) international and national projects. He has 17 peer-reviewed research articles (Scopus ID: 56736820800), 6 articles in book chapters and more than 47 publications and announcements in conference proceedings. He involved in a number of HPC projects (HPC-ARIS, GRNET), while he was an instructor at several HPC national training events. Finally, he is a HCAA (Greek National Civil Aviation Authority) a) Certified Instructor on UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) theoretical training and b) B1 Knowledge Instructor and Examiner on Aviation Engineering Training. He is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (ReACT group) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) since early 2024.


His scientific and research interests lie on a) Fire Meteorology and applications with coupled atmosphere – fire models (WRF-SFIRE), b) synoptic weather forecasting and investigation of the optimum set up of numerical weather prediction models, c) evaluation of numerical weather prediction models with different techniques and tools, d) analysis of extreme weather events, e) climate change through climate simulations in the framework of WCRP-CORDEX and WCRPCORDEX – Flagship Pilot Studies, f) applications with the use of atmospheric numerical models and g) analysis of meteorological parameters.