Postdoctoral Researchers

Panagiotis Kosmopoulos has a BSc in Geology (2/2011) and a MSc in Environmental Physics (11/2013) from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and a PhD in Physics (1/2018) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His PhD thesis was in the field of Solar Energy forecasting and applications. He has a 12-year experience in environmental physics with emphasis on solar energy and applications, radiative transfer modelling, satellite and ground-based observations, aerosol and cloud physics and physical climatology with 80 publications and more than 900 third-party citations in international journals and conferences (h-index 17), and is reviewer of 15 highly ranked scientific journals. He is a research specialist at the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) since 2014 and a Post-Doc researcher since 2018, with professional experience in national and regional competitive project (Horizon’s 2020 Geo-Cradle, Era-Planet’s IGOSP – Strand-3, FP7’s ACI-UV, NSRF’s Kripis-Thespia, Siemens’s Aristotelis-Solar). Finally, he is the developer of the Solar Energy Nowcasting System (SENSE) with end-users from the public and private sector (e.g. the Independent Power Transmission Operator of Greece, the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy of Egypt, the Magdi Yacoub’s Aswan Heart Centre, the Attica Group, the IIT Roorkee in India etc), while he deals with the exploitation of Earth Observation (EO), Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) and modeled data (mainly using radiative transfer modelling) for a variety of applications (www.solea.gr).
Environmental Physics with emphasis on solar energy and applications, radiative transfer modeling, satellite and ground-based observations, aerosol and cloud physics, and physical climatology.