Support Staff
Katsanaki Peggy
Peggy Katsanaki graduated from the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, she holds a postgraduate diploma in "Management of Natural and Man-made Risks and Disasters" from the Harokopio University of Athens and holds a postgraduate diploma in "Environmental Design of Infrastructure Projects" of the Hellenic Open University. Since 2005, she has professional experience in both the private and the public sector in the framework of National and European programs on the preparation of geological and environmental studies and geotechnical surveys for the construction, management and protection of infrastructure projects. More specifically, her professional experience concerns the research and development of studies on natural risk management, environmental protection, the use of Geographical Information Systems (ArcGIS software) for geographic data analysis and decision making, the creation of maps for the assessment and analysis of natural, anthropogenic and environmental risks and disasters as well as the preparation of environmental impact studies. She is a scientific associate of the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) of the Ministry of the Interior in the framework of the Project "Targeted Actions to Increase the Protection of Nationally Identified European Critical Infrastructures". She is also currently collaborating with the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens for the "Organization of data in geospatial information systems from landslide autopsy for the needs of the Disaster Risk Reduction of Work Package WP6: Innovative research pilots", in the framework of the implementation of the research program "NextGEOSS" (HORIZON 2020).