Research Personnel

Ioanna Tsagouri received her BSc in Physics in 1994, her MSc in Physics in 1998 and her PhD in Space Physics in 2003 from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
From 2001 until 2006 she worked as member of the scientific staff at the National Observatory of Athens (NOA). In 2006 she was elected as Assistant Researcher at the Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing of NOA and since 2023 she is Research Director at the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing of NOA.
Space physics with emphasis in the physics of the Earth’s ionosphere: solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, ionosphere-plasmasphere interaction, ionospheric experiments for monitoring purposes, space weather effects on the Earth’s ionosphere, development and validation of models for ionospheric nowcasting and forecasting applications, development of ionospheric specification services.