Research Personnel
Panagiotis Elias received his B.Sc. in Electronic Eng. From the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus, his M.Sc. in Signal Processing for Telecommunications and Multimedia from the National and Kapodistrian/University of Athens in 2007, and his Ph.D. in Geosciences from the Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, France and the University of Patras, Greece in 2013.
From 1998-2005 he worked at the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens (IAASARS-NOA) as a Research associate. In 2005 he joined IAASARS-NOA as Scientific staff.
His main research interests are the analysis and signal processing using basic and advanced radar interferometry methodologies exploiting satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data and GPS measurements for small scale ground deformation detection, monitoring and source modeling due to geophysical processes or human-induced activities.