Graduate Students

Ilias Tsoumas holds a MSc degree in Data Science from Athens University of Economics and Business and a BSc degree from the Department of Digital Systems of the School of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) of the University of Piraeus. He has worked for three years on research and innovation projects as a research associate at the same university with a focus on 5G and its intersection with machine learning. Before he joined the National Observatory of Athens he was working as a machine learning engineer at the healthtech startup company LangAware Inc, where he was one of the three engineers on the technical team responsible for developing the company’s solution. He also takes part in successfully defending the solution and securing the company’s first seed investment. Since December 2020 he has been working at the Operational Unit Beyond of the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens as a research associate & data scientist focused on the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation. In parallel, since July 2022, he has started his Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence at Wageningen University & Research under the laboratory of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing. Specifically, his research focuses on Artificial Intelligence towards sustainable agriculture using space-borne remote sensing data and other heterogeneous data sources. He enjoys being involved in problem-solving cases, especially, related to his field of expertise, through the process of study, analysis, and new synthesis.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Causal Inference, Earth Observation, Digital Agriculture, Utilization of AI and EO data to promote sustainable agriculture.