Speaker | Subject | Date |
Dr. Iphigenia Keramitsoglou IAASARS, NOA, Greece | Urban Thermal Remote Sensing | 26.07.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Jeff Luvall NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL., USA | Assessing the Impact of Urbanization Using Remote Sensing on a Global Scale, Past Present and Future Directions | 11.07.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Glynn Hulley NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CALTECH, USA | A high spatio-temporal resolution Land Surface Temperature product optimized for the urban environment | 11.07.2018 11:00 |
Ms.Vana Fragkou University of Hong Kong | Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy: multi-wavelength studies and the unique case of PHR 1315-6555 | 10.07.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Filippos Koliopanos Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie, Toulouse, France | The origins of supermassive black holes | 20.06.2018 12:00 |
Sac Nicte Medina Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany | Radio compact sources in star forming regions | 05.06.2018 12:00 |
Prof. Stella Offner The University of Texas at Austin, USA | Towards a Unified Model of Star Formation: Forging Order from Randomness | 04.06.2018 12:00 |
Prof. Pavlos Kollias Stony Brook University, NY, USA | Clouds and Radars | 01.06.2018 12:00 |
Dr. G. Balasis National Observatory of Athens | Waves, Particles, and Storms in Geospace: A Complex Interplay | 25.05.2018 12:30 |
Prof. Francis Castanie IRIT-ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France | Hybridization and Fusion of Satellite and Telecommunication Network Based Positioning Methods | 04.05.2018 11:00 |
Prof. Francisco J. Carrera Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Spain | X-ray and mid-IR properties of Active Galactic Nuclei | 26.04.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Evangelos Sfakianakis Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics | From natural inflation to leptons, baryons and cosmological magnetic fields | 23.04.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Kalliopi Dasyra Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy, & Mechanics, University of Athens, Greece | Molecular gas winds: what can ALMA teach us about their properties and impact on galaxy evolution | 18.04.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Ralph Kahn NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA | Planetary Perspective on Aerosols & Climate | 16.04.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Eleni Kalfountzou European Space Agency - ESA, Spain | The TraNsiTion : Triggers, Nature & Termination of SMBHs activity | 13.04.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Michalis Kourniotis Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic | Massive binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud | 04.04.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Tassos Fragos Observatory of the University of Geneva, Switzerland | Open questions in the formation of binary stellar systems containing black holes | 30.03.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Vassilis Amiridis National Observatory of Athens | Using the particle depolarization to distinguish desert dust in external aerosol mixtures: application to satellite observations | 29.03.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Grigoris Maravelias University of Crete, Greece | B[e] Supergiants: a missing part from the massive star puzzle? | 19.03.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Ruiz Angel National Observatory of Athens, Greece | XMMPZCAT and XMMFITCATZ: expanding the scientific potential of serendipitous X-ray surveys | 07.03.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Markos Trichas Airbus Defence and Space, UK | The AIRBUS approach to small satellites | 21.02.2018 17:00 |
Drs. Eran Ofek & Avishay Gal-Yam, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel | How to add, subtract, and de-spackle astronomical images, Transients in real time: watching stars as they explode | 01.02.2018 14:00 |
Dr. Theodoros Bitsakis Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico | The spatial distribution and ages of star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds | 18.01.2018 12:00 |
Dr. Georges Kordopatis Observatory of Cote d'Azur, Nice, France | Galactic archaeology: status and open questions | 20.12.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Matthew Izawa Institute for Planetary Materials, Okayama University - Misasa, Japan | Ultraviolet spectroscopy of dark asteroids: Insights into mineralogy, carbon chemistry, and surface processes | 18.12.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Konstantinos Kolokythas Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India | Low-frequency GMRT radio observations of brightest group galaxies in the Local Universe | 15.12.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Antonella Nota Space Telescope Science Institute, USA | Investigating Young Stellar Clusters with Hubble and MUSE | 30.11.2017 12:30 |
Dr. Danny Lennon European Space Astronomy Centre, ESA, Spain | A Gaia TGAS search for runaway supergiant stars in the Magellanic Clouds | 29.11.2017 12:30 |
Dr. Matthias Tesche University of Hertfordshire, UK | Aviation effects on already existing cirrus clouds | 22.11.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Mikael Granvik University of Helsinki, Finland | Debiased estimates for NEO orbits, absolute magnitudes, and source regions | 15.11.2017 14:30 |
Dr. Francois Mignard Observatory of Cote d'Azur, Nice, France | Gaia explores the Milky Way | 14.11.2017 13:00 |
Dr. Antonis Georgakakis National Observatory of Athens, Greece | Modeling the distribution of Active Galactic Nuclei in galaxies | 08.11.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Stergios Misios Oxford University, UK | Special Seminar: Let the Sun shine on Earth, periodically... | 06.11.2017 15:00 |
Dr. Nick Sergis Academy of Athens & National Observatory of Athens, Greece | Special Seminar: Space plasma processes manifested in multiple environments in the Solar System: Planetary Magnetospheres, Sun, Interplanetary Medium | 06.11.2017 14:00 |
Dr. Athanasios Papaioannou National Observatory of Athens & National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece | Special Seminar: Solar Eruptions and their Heliospheric Imprint | 03.11.2017 14:30 |
Dr. Evangelos Paouris National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece | Special Seminar: Forecasting Space Weather conditions from Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections | 02.11.2017 13:30 |
Dr. Kostas Tziotziou National Observatory of Athens, Greece | Special Seminar: The dynamical Sun and its effects on geospace | 02.11.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Ingmar Sandberg National Observatory of Athens, Greece | Special Seminar: Recent Advances in the Specification and Understanding of the Geospace Radiation Environment | 01.11.2017 13:30 |
Dr. Stavros Akras Obs. Nacional & Valongo Observatory, UFRJ, Brazil | Digging into multi-wavelength surveys: Machine learning era | 01.11.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Konstantin Herbst University of Kiel, Germany | Sunspot Numbers and Cosmogenic Radionuclides - The Quest of Studying the Solar Activity on long time scales | 25.10.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Konstantinos Koutroumbas National Observatory of Athens, Greece | Cost function optimization Clustering Algorithms: A unified view and the sparse possibilistic case | 18.10.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Pieter de Vis Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Paris, France | Dust, metals and gas in nearby galaxies | 11.10.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Lucero Uscanga University of Guanajuato, Mexico | Magnetic fields and radio emission processes in maser-emitting planetary nebulae | 13.09.2017 12:00 |
Dr. Eleni Petrakou Athens, Greece | A deterministic model for forecasting long-term solar activity | 12.09.2017 12:00 |
The seminars of the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) are held on a weekly basis in the “Emilios Charlaftis” room. Note * indicates seminars to be held in the dome room of the Newall Telescope. Researchers who intend to visit Athens and wish to give a seminar to the Institute members can contact Α. Georgakakis or A. Bonanos. Seminars are given in English.
Room availability here.