Open Vacancy at the Ionospheric Group of the National Observatory of Athens.
The Ionospheric Group of the Institute of Astrophysics Astronomy Space Applications and Remote sensing of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) is looking for an expert to work in the “Ionospheric Modelling” sector, preferably with experience but also a recent graduate, to be included in the NOA research activities and projects.
Institution: Ionospheric Group of the Institute of Astrophysics Astronomy Space Applications and Remote sensing of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA).
Activity: Development of ionospheric models using data from ground-based monitoring facilities and from space missions using mathematical/statistical methods for data analysis, data assimilation and Machine Learning techniques, to be carried out within European Commission and European Space Agency research projects.
Skills: Experience in ionospheric/atmospheric/space physics, Programming Languages and tools for Data Analysis.
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s or Master’s Degree in Physics and Engineering.
Duration: 12 months, with the possibility of renewal.
Salary: Depending on experience, education, certifications, skills and training.
Place of work: IASARS, National Observatory of Athens, Palaia Penteli, Greece.
Type of contract: Research grant, full time.
On-site presence: To be agreed on the basis of project needs.
Deadline for expression of interest: 30 September 2023.
To express an interest in this job opportunity, please submit a short statement with your CV at